Elden Ring: Where To Get The Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman

Elden Ring: Where To Get The Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman

Raise your Dexterity with this talisman.

Millicent Quest – Gowry’s Shack – Elden Ring

Anyone else think she looks like the boss Malenia from the trailer lol????

00:00 Gowry’s Shack
01:02 Gold Needle – Commander O’Neil Boss – Commander’s Standard
06:17 Unalloyed Gold Needle
07:20 Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman – Increases Dexterity
09:01 Sage Gowry
11:25 Glintstone Stars
Night Shard
Night Maiden’s Mist
12:24 – Commander’s Standard
12:48 – Prosthesis Wearer Heirloom

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Elden Ring | Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman Location | Church of the Plague

Unalloyed Gold Needle & Full Millicent Questline Video in description. Raises Dexterity! The Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman is given to the player by Millicent inside Church of the Plague.

Give the video a like if you can, it really helps

Full Millicent side quest guide:

Unalloyed Gold Needle location:

All Talisman Locations:

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How To Get EVERY Heirloom In Elden Ring

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